Photos / Loreto Girbert * Faith Study
Production / M.Eugenia Ibarra
Hair and Makeup / Taly Waisberg
Model / Carina Dietz * WeLoveModels
Photography Assistant / Esteban Vargas
Production Assistant / María Ignacia Goycoolea
The swallow as a migratory bird reveals with its flight the changes in the
seasons. This bird is a fortune-teller of natural cycles, announcing us with its
flight approaching change.
The swallow, a winged image, appears in this collection, defining with its presence a new aesthetic evolution and a new step for the usual path. It brings with it some elements that are essential for Gender Clothing and adds others that define the change. Thus, the textures appear as a foundation, defined by a line of vests completely hand-woven by expert artisans from Valle Hermoso (V Region), using 100% natural yarns (national wool, llama and alpaca), which were woven with points ranging generating varieties of meshes and lattices by means of perforations, surfaces with diamond grids, color blocks and over-reliefs.
These fundamental textures appear in this collection with new shapes and figures rescued from everyday images, such as those metal meshes that delimit large spaces in rural areas or in a smaller format the same netting in which birds are enclosed.
Complementing these textures Gender clothing brings garments mostly in
flat fabrics, jackets, capes, dresses and blouses with neutral cuts in which time seems to have stopped and where the image of the swallow appears as an embroidered inlay. With the change of season a new color palette appears that does not leave behind the one that has been developing but is limited. This is how the predominant colors are abstracted from the plumage of the barn swallow; dark blue, white, gray color predominate mostly. For details and applications, more intense colors such as brown, dark reddish, yellow, pink beige, brown green are abstracted from the extremities of the swallow.
*Gender Clothes belong to the Slow Movement, finding in the design the value of what is Handmade and of national origin.