Carrier of messages, that you walk in a herd but you move in freedom. You visit me, you bring me peace, you stay, you go again. Because that is your nature, you do not know borders, meaningless limits like those of humans, that we strive to separate ourselves, when we know that together everything is better.
You cross continents with your wings that caress the sky. Continents with imaginary limits of blood and races. Limits that do not realize that, after all, each one of us is a part of this great map called earth, called humanity, all together, now and forever.
You, carrier pigeon, who in your beak carry the thread that unites one by one all the places you pass through, finally weaving a great map where each thread is each one of us, where all intertwined we manage to come together in the same finish. , unequivocal, immense and infinite, where love and freedom finally find a way.
Dove / Handmade embroidery
Interpretation performed by the embroiderers of Lihueimo (VI Region _ Chile), who practice this traditional craft of popular art.
The line was taken from the artisanal technique of lanigraphy, which is characterized by an image made with strands of wool of various colors, glued or sewn to a support. This technique was widely used in the 70s in our country, as a way of expressing oneself in resistance or in confinement.
In this piece, the technique is taken as a social symbol of our country identity and is reinserted in a two-needle weave based on alpaca.
Text / Olaya Sanfuentes
Photos / Paula Ziegler
Styling / Eugenia Ibarra
Hair & Make Up / Poli Picó
Models / Emma Preece